Tuesday 3 January 2012

Christmas 2011

This year me & hubby celebrating Christmas in Denmark. Well, we supposedly celebrate Christmas in Kuching as the previous year we already celebrate it in Denmark. We agreed years before that we should take turn when it comes to Christmas since both of us celebrating it. But unfortunately, last year he can't get a longer Christmas leave and honestly, 1week is not enough when it involves hours of travelling between Denmark-Kuching. So, with a heavy heart I made the decision to just stay in Denmark for Christmas. Anyway, no matter where we are, as long as we are together, that is what matter most for both of us.

We did not celebrate it at our own home but instead my in law invited us to join them for Christmas Eve's dinner. We don't live far from my in law, actually you can walk for less than 20min to go from our place to theirs. At the same time, we were also invited for Christmas lunch at his cousin's place. So, it was not so bad although I do wish I am back home in Kuching.

I received lots of present from him & his sides of family which I appreciate very much. There's no snow last year unlike the year before that where we received so much of snow that some part of Denmark was cut off from any kind of communication, and lots of people were trapped somewhere unable to go move anywhere due to the snow. Despite not having snow, the weather is still cold and at time do reach 0C. Actually, I love the coldness of winter as long as I got the right cloths!

For this year (2012), for the first time, we will celebrate it at our own home in Denmark & my parents will be joining us & probably my sister & her kids! I am looking so much forward for that!

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