Friday 16 December 2011

Traveller's life

As an avid traveller, I adapt to my surrounding pretty well and at a fast pace. I mix around with the local without problem (well, most of the time) and I am quick to learn about their culture. I guess because knowing and learning about other people's culture is after all my personal interest. I am always interested in human subject and observe their behavior which sometimes are explain by their surrounding.

Another aspect about traveling is the eating. I basically eat anything & I don't mind trying any food though it might look disgusting or unappetizing. After all, we all live once so might as well enjoy what ever that is out there. During our stay in Rotterdam, we stay in a hotel which is a little bit out of the town centre so traveling is a hassle since we don't drive. The weather doesn't help either with the constant rain and strong wind. The rain I don't mind but the wind..ahhh... I really hate it because it make the weather so freezing cold! So, since Kris always come back late from work in the evening, we always end up having dinner at McDonald.

Yes! This is our official kitchen for the past 1 week and I literally have tried every single menu that is available there! hahhaha...sometimes we dine in and sometimes we takeout. Well, what to do. McD is the nearest food outlet to our hotel and I do not want to eat in the hotel. First, I bet it's expensive & second, it definitely come with potato. I have been in Europe for more than 2mths now & I have eat nothing but anything with potato.Seriously, I think I do have potato coming out from my a**! So, the only solution to our dining problem is McDonald! It is only 5min walk from our hotel.
I can even see it from my hotel room! Thank God they have salad so I don't have to eat fries & burger all the time. But at the moment, I do feel that I should have a share in McD.Hahahha... I just can't wait to go home to Denmark & cook since we finally move into our own house now!

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