Thursday 13 February 2014

Raspberry Tart @ Hindbaer taerter

When I take a look at my pantry cabinet, I saw that I have abundance stock of marzipan. Then I was telling myself..hmm..what shall I do with these marzipan? I bought the marzipan during one of our shopping spree in Germany last year just before Christmas. An activity that we always do before Christmas because one, it is near to drive to Germany from here and two, goods are cheaper over there. Just at the border of Germany & Denmark, there are several hypermarkets where you can get almost everything. And when you shop there, you don't really feel that it is in Germany because almost 100% of the shopper are Danish. The car park is full with Danish car. Hahha..that show how expensive stuff are in Denmark. I am..holding the marzipan & explore the pantry cabinet and fridge for other stuff that I can mix with the marzipan. Then it came to me..YES! I will bake raspberry tart! is not berries season yet but I do have stock of frozen berries in the freezer so why the hell not.

First, you need to do the crust or the base, which consist of marzipan, butter, sugar, eggs and flour. Very simple right. is simple. You just need those 5 ingredients and mix everything together starting with marzipan, butter & sugar. Then add egg one by one. And finally shift the flour and mix well. 

Lepas tu, pour the batter inside a tart tray or any baking tray of your choice that has been spread with baking paper.

And bake for 35min in a 180C oven.  While waiting for it to be bake, I prepared the vanilla cream. For this you need vanilla pod, egg yolk, milk, cornstarch and sugar. ( I didnt take any picture of the process so you have to imagine it yourself. Hehhehe...bkn senang tau nak bake sambik sibuk2 ambik gambar).

First, scrap the vanilla bean from the pod (belah kat tengah and kikis all the bean) and mix it with sugar. So, u will get sugar yang kehitam-hitaman. Then stir the vanilla sugar with eggs yolk and cornstarch. Next, heat the milk on a pan and mix the vanilla egg mixture inside the pan. So, you kacau sampai la campuran tadi menjadi pekat. Then remove from the heat when mixture has thicken and let it cool off for few minutes.

Let the baked base cool off before you place the vanilla cream on top. Bila dah sejuk, then pour the vanilla cream on top & spread the raspberry on top of the vanilla cream. And here you have it....RASPBERRY TART!


1. Marzipan base

  • 200gm of marzipan
  • 200gm of butter
  • 175gm of sugar
  • 4 eggs
  • 50gm of flour
2. Vanilla cream
  • 1 vanilla pod
  • 2 cup of milk
  • 2 egg yolks 
  • 1 tbsp of cornstarch
  • 2 tbsp sugar
And 1 pack of raspberry or any kind of berry to finish up the topping. 

Selamat mencuba!!

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