Sunday 19 December 2010

My 32nd birthday

It is time of the year again when we celebrate and adding another year into age. Supposedly, it make us a year wiser every year with each celebration & personally, I do feel that I am getting wiser by the year.Hahhaha...

For the second time, I celebrated my birthday in China. No special celebration or anything grand about my birthday, just like all the previous birthday I had but this year I am happy that I get to spend it with my husband. Last year, I had to spend it alone so it should does make a different this year. Also, I decided that this year I will bake my very own birthday cake. This is because in China, their cake is definitely not nice, the cake is mostly made from sponge cake with whipped cream as the icing which make me gauge when i ate it. So, to solve that problem, I decided I'll bake my own cake & decorate it myself. The day before my birthday, I was busy baking & decorating it.Very much satisfying especially it does taste nice and when I posted it online, I received lots of good compliment. So, not bad for a non professional baker like me. This also make me fire up to try my hand at baking different type of cakes and using different type of decoration material in the future.

I received my birthday gift a month earlier from Kris because we were in Denmark at that time so he decided to get me an early gift because he know when in China, it is difficult for him to buy me a gift. He gave me an ipod!hehee..I like it very much though it is consuming most of my time now. Me & gadget is not always a good combination but I love to explore. Too bad that I need to pay for most of the downloading of application so at least I have my limitation there. I also received two surprise gift from Kris's friends which I really did not expect at all. One of it is an Hermes 's scarf! Gosh...I for sure will not buy it myself because its damn expensive! So, I am so happy that I got it as a gift and for sure I will treat it very damn well.Hahah...

We end up the day with a nice and cozy dinner at one of the Italian restaurant in town. Had a very nice meal with a quiet surrounding ( an environment that you will seldom found in any Chinese restaurant). I really have a lot to thank for in my life because I am blessed with so many wonderful friends who never forget to wish me happy birthday every year. Also I am grateful to my eccentric family who in a weird way always there for me. I also have so much of gratitude for having such a wonderful, supportive and a loving husband whom I love dearly. At the end of the day, it is not about the gift or cake or dinner but about what I have accomplished and received in those 32 years of my life. So many experiences and downfalls in those 32 years and each one of those experiences and downfalls has made me a stronger person. It teaches me that life is very unpredictable and unexpected most of the time and how you deal with it or come out from the bad situation, really show what you made of and I for sure know that I am made from steel!Hahhaha...

Looking forward to another birthday next year!

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