Saturday 21 February 2015

9mths journey-Part 2 part 2 pulak. Karl masih sleeping so I nak siapkan trus my part 2 arini juga. Hahhaha..nanti donno when dapat buat part 2 ni. Anyway, my second half of pregnancy was spend in KL & basically I am all alone. I came back to Msia in July and I started working in August.

Before I arrived in Msia, I already decided where I want to do my pregnancy follow up. My gynecologist was my sister good friend back in the medical school so I am very confident that I will be in good hand. I search online for pregnancy look good during pregnancy cost you a bump nowadays! Hahah...tapi sape nak look like makcik kan. Just bcoz ure 'bloated' doesn't mean you cannot bergaya kan. I also started searching for confinement lady and start asking around what kind of supplement that will be good for post-pregnancy. Ye la..kena juga usaha kan kalo nak sihat lps delivery.

My second scanning was done here and masa tu sibuk nak tahu jantina. But unfortunately, masih x jelas. Only after my 3rd scanning that we can see the gender and on my 4th scanning baru betul2 confirm that it is a boy. wonder I don't feel like baking at all throughout my pregnancy. Hahah...and I am sangat2 aktif!

Ni dah masuk 6bln.

Kena selfie guna cermin coz xder org to take my picture. Hehheh...

Me at 7mths..

Most of my cloths I beli from 9mths, mothercare or mother club.

Ni baru masuk 8 bln. At this time, I no longer masuk gym but I maintain my brisk walking exercise.  Org tua cakap, nanti senang nak beranak..I guess in my case, ada betul la that petua. Utk org lain, I donno eh..

Ni dah 8mth+..

This is me at 36wks..going 37wks. Memang dah sarat ni...

Every week I will get my supply of coconut drink coz my mum advice me to drink it daily. Nanti baby senang nak kluar & baby pun bersih (honestly..I donno what people mean with baby bersih)...hahaha..But seriously, I drink it because nak juga la senang beranak kan ..and sebab its cooling. This is because when I am pregnant, I am always feeling hot. Every night ac wajib 19C and I dont even need a bloody comforter! My office dah macam kutub utara. Hahah..

Tick..tock..tick..tock..dah 36wks. I almost got admitted because my blood pressure suddenly gone up quite high (169/96). I was on medication and she told me..if I x deliver by 38wks, kena la induce. Alamak...dgr induce jer bp naik dahhhh....hahaha...So I told my husband about the not so good news and he decided to change his flight so he could come earlier & be with me in the labour room. I still masuk office until the day before I deliver but since my bp was quite high, I was not allow to drive alone so I have my sister as my chaperone. Muahaha...and every night for the next two weeks, I basically have a 'nanny'. My gynea only gave me two option...have a 'nanny' or masuk ward. Huhuhhu...

Ni dah masuk feet dah bengkak. I am so lucky that I feet become 'fat' only toward the end of my pregnancy. Hheheh..

Finally on 29th Novermber, about 540am my water broke. I called my sister and maner rupa water broke eh? Hahhaha...My sis dah agak dah, kalau call awal pagi cam tu mesti ada sesuatu. Indeed sesuatu..nak deliver!! Konon nyer pagi tu nak pergi IKEA..looking for Xmas stuff la. Nasib baik water broke before we all go IKEA..if not haru biru deliver in IKEA!! My sis cal my gynea and she told me to relax & just datang kat labour ward UMSC. Me..being an OCD..siap mop lantai bilik ..took shower, do laundry & dry laundry. Makan maggi..tu jer yg cepat nak masak for breakfast..then we go hospital. I think around 930-945am cam tu. My contraction was quite mild at that time so masih boleh chitchat & watsapp..until 330 when it was so intense. 


Ni masih boleh senyum. My nephew was with me all the time while my sister run some errand. Well, he basically witness the birth of his cousin! Nasib baik dia x pengsan. Hahha..

And 4 hrs later..Karl was born! My son, Karl Nambah Normann Olesen was born on 29th November, 2014 at 1937 at University Malaya Specialist Center. I am lucky that my sister was there with me. Kalau dia xder, mmg sah2 I deliver seorg2. Nasib badan la kan..and hubby was not there to witness the birth of our son because Karl decided he don't want to wait for daddy. He came out 3wks earlier!

And there goes the whole experience. Priceless indeed but it all worth it. He is indeed a blessing.

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