Tuesday 24 February 2015

Confinement story

I know I should sleep but the eyes just won't shut yet. So, I took the time to update my blog & share my confinement moment. As usual, after delivery ..next is confinement time. Seriously..those who wish me happy confinement..well you know what..nothing so happy about it! Muahahah...Honestly, I don't know who on earth created confinement thingy. I believe they have nothing else to do but making women life miserable. OK..to be specific..Asian women's life miserable!! ...

No joke OK! So..do I enjoy my confinement...obviously NOT! Ohh..maybe the massage part..YES! Before delivery waaa..bukan main semangat nak strict confinement la konon nyer. Bila dah lalui.. ..strict amender nyer. Everyday gaduh dgn mak. Hahha..coz I just don't have the patience to deal with all the unnecessary headache. My mother in law once asked me, why do we want to torture ourselves going through it if we do not like it. Well..I guess because everyone go through it..so aku pun ikut la. 

Ok. What can I say? Memang I don't like confinement. Eating the same food all over again for the whole month, which mean..ginger..ginger..and more ginger. Malaysia ni dah la panas nak mampus, bagi makan banyak ginger pulak tu. Aduhhh makk...inside out panas sehh!! I literally sweat like I just came out from shower, and this is like continuously sweating for 24hrs for the next 30days. Dah la mak x kasi mandi.  Well..me being me..I mandi jer. Tak tahan babe x mandi. Giler aper.  Next, no ice water. OK..that probably not so bad as I started to enjoy hot milk or hot milo. I prefer hot tea but my sis told me that it might make me constipated so xnak la. Lepas tu...kacang ma...kacang ma...kacang ma..aduh makk..bosan giler.  I am the type of person who don't eat the same food every day so you can imagine my face when I have to eat that everyday. 

Even hubby makes joke about it...
Hubby: Honey..what shall you eat today? The green stuff or the green stuff...

For those who don't know what is kacang ma. It is a type of herb that you cook with ginger (againnn...) and add up with a little bit or in my case, lots of liquor. Memang panas giler lps makan.   Don't get me wrong yeah. I like kacang ma but not when you have to eat it every single day!

Next on the agenda of confinement is..no ac or fan. Gilos! I sweat like pig..cannot take cold shower..lepas tu..x blh guna ac/kipas. Bloody hell panas.  Hello...ni Malaysia kot. Not the north pole. So..argue again with my mum. Sampai penat dah asyik gaduh. Hahah..FYI, beside having to eat lots of ginger based food with some alcohol, I also required to drink medicated wine, which literally heat up your body as well. Haa..can you imagine the heat. Then I was told to use sock..wear long sleeves or sweater..cover my head. Aduh makk...memang seksa!  But..for those who visited me during my confinement time, I do not wear sweater nor cover my head.  And some more, some people even x wash the dishes  during confinement unless the tap water have heater. But me being me..I wash my own plate. Hello..not that I have maid to do all of that. The first 1-2wks, yes I do rest a lot. If you consider waking up at the wee hour in the morning is resting that is. 

In the 2nd week of confinement, I went to JPN to registered the birth of my son.  Next, my hubby & I went to the Danish embassy to do Karl's passport. So, the whole idea of confinement that x boleh kluar umah for 30-40 days, does not apply to me. Then we need to get stuff for Xmas and but Christmas presents. Before I forgot, confinement ni x sah kalo xder pakai bengkung or stomach binder. Aduh makk..the massage lady wrap it too tight sampai rasa nak terkluar usus2 ku ini. Giler ketat seh. Nak duduk pun x senang. What more to breast feed. Memang seksa tapi perut memang kecik. I guess beauty is pain. 

So, overall, I don't enjoy going through confinement. I didn't strictly ikut the confinement 'rules' but I am lucky that today byk set pantang/bersalin that could help you physically to get back to your old self. I took Shakless confinement set, which I continue to take until today. And as for outer body, I use Tanamera set. I do not hired any confinement lady as my mum is here with me but I do hired a massage lady. And she is really good. Although my experience is not so enjoyable, I am glad that it is all behind me and if you ask me whether I want to go through it again.sudah tentu la tidak! .For those who enjoy theirs..good for u. Yang belum lalui keseksaan itu... .all the best!

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