Sunday 9 September 2012

Ayam masakmerah pedas

Hubby went to Las Pal mas de Gran Canary for ship inspection. It was so last minute that we can't manage to get a reasonable ticket for me. It is a long journey to go there because there is no direct flight to go there & that explain why the ticket is damn expensive (equivalent to a return tix to KL). So, with a heavy heart I agreed to stay at home.:(

On the first day alone, I thought I want to cook something that I have wanted try for so long. Furthermore, I really wanted to eat the dish. So, I get on my gear in the kitchen & start cooking. I defrost the chicken part & marinate with salt, pepper, chilies flakes, paprika. Yeah.. I know but I want the chicken to be spicy when I deep fry it. Suddenly, I remember that I brought chili powder so I took that out & mix with the chicken's part too! hehheh.. chicken is red & spicy & ready to be fry! Fry the chicken in hot oil & put aside.OK..I am not those people who can literally take picture of each & every step they do when cooking so I will have to skip some here. Hehhehe

 This is my chili paste. Very spicy & not for the faint hearted ok.Hheheh...I made my own chili paste mix which consists of shallots, garlics, dried chilies, cili padi & ginger. I suppose to add lemongrass too but lemongrass is not so easy to find here. You will get to see it at the supermarket if you're luck. But, the ingredients that I have is sufficient enough. So, I fried this paste (not all of it) with hot oil until fragrant. Then you add tomato puree & tomato & honey. Fried for a while before you add the fried chicken. When the whole mixture is boiling, put some green peas & salt. And the end result...

 Tadaa...very spicy ayam masak merah. At least it is not sweet like at the mamak shop as I don't put too much honey. Just to get the honey taste. By the way, for the chili paste, it should have lengkuas too which is even rarer sight in Danish supermarket. Hehheh..I guess I have to get that greenhouse ready ASAP so I can plant my own 'exotic' ingredient and then I can have an authentic M'sia cooking. For now, I just have to improvise. I eat the ayam masak merah with nasi briyani! Yup..I finally made it myself, courtesy from my sister. She is an expert in making nasi briyani.:)

 I wrongly estimate the water level so it a bit wet but who time I do it, I better measure the water instead of just 'kamikaze' style. But the taste is there & I only lack of two ingredient: daun ketumbar & serbuk kunyit. lunch & dinner for yesterday and I guess it will be the same dinner for today as I cook quite enough for 2 days meals. Hahah...And that small black looking thing at the side is my own version of sambal belacan tumis! Loving it...
This is so spicy that I won't offer it to anyone.Hahhah...I blend lots of dry chillies, lots of chili padi and shallots. Then I fried the blend ingredients in a hot oil & then put in the belacan. My goodness...after that my kitchen was literally smell like crap! Hahha...I have to spray lots of air freshener before my hubby come back.Hahha

So, there's my own version of M'sian dish. Man..I wish I am in KL. No need for me to do, just go to one of the mamak stall.hahahha...

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