Saturday 30 November 2013

Finally I am Laos.

I terforgot nak update about my last trip with my buddy, Rita. We bought the ticket a year ago when AirAsia had their free seating promotion. As usual my buddy, Rita is the ticket buyer. She spotted the sales & quickly give me a call. You want Laos or Myanmar or both??? Hmm...both also I want to go as these two countries really trigger my curiousity. Well, as you all know both countries are close to the outside world for so many years due to civil war. So, as soon as it is open for outsider, it become my target destinations.

But knowing that anything can happen between the time we bought the ticket to the time we landed at our destination we decided to just bought one ticket. And Laos it is. I have read books about Laos & watch documentary about it on tv, and the more I know, the more I want to go there & witness it myself. But u know, both me & Rita go through lots of obstacle before we actually landed in Laos. Now let see...first she got a new job in that give a possibility of not getting any leave because she just started her new job. Then it was my viva. You see...I am at that time is waiting for the university to call me & let me know the exact date of my viva. It's like time bomb as I don't know when is the exact date. 

After that, Rita flight was cancel..both way pulak tuuu!! She have to but new ticket as that time her leave was approve so tak kan nak tukar leave lagi kan. Nanti tak bagi leave mampos! Lepas tu, UM're viva tentatively is next Tues on 2/7 so sedia yer. Bloody hell, they call less than a week b4 the date. What happen to 1 month notice yg konon2 tu...gosh. Nasib baik I am always Be Prepare mode..kalau tidak, mmg kelam kabut jadi nyer. I actually dah ready my slide 2 months before knowing UM ni suka bagi notice last minute. Tapi tu baru 'tentatively' coz external examiner belum confirm kehadiran..
So, I told prepare if it get cancel. But we both agree on the possible risk when we both the ticket a year ago so we're cool. Thank God, my viva when very well on 2/7 and I passed!!! So...Laos here we gooo!!!

Our flight to Laos is very early on 4/7 so the day after my viva, mlm tu we stay overnight kat KLIA. Malas nak ambik taxi pagi buta. So dgn mua basi..we safetly arrived in Laos and as usual, the pick up & lodging mmg I am the mastermind. So,basically Rita beli ticket, I pulak do the ground arrangement. Hehehe... is our first lodging. This place is super quiet despite being at the centre of the city. But it's a bit tricky to find. Luckily I arrange a pick up so x payah fikir cam maner nak pergi. Tp the first night we were there, we were LOST!!! Hahaha...jalan2 punyer pasal, x tenguk kiri kanan...tenguk2 barang kat night market, dah x tau lorong maner nak masuk. Hahaha...I know we both a bit panic but maintain machoooo....hahaha...nasib baik jumpa at least. Laa...x jauh actually. We guna jalan belakang, patut sesat! hahaha...
 Here is our simple bed. I normally prefer a separate twin bed tp at that time, dah fully book so we share la one big bed. Never actually used the mosquito net pasal xder plak nyamuk.
 Simple jer bathroom dia org. Cukup la utk 'tut' and mandi kan..hahaha
 Yes, all the room have no tv. Well not that you understand what in the world they say xper. Janji ader INTERNET! Furthermore, both of us come here to relax. Did I mention that we were here for 5 nights???!!! Yes, blame it on Airasia. Ader ker cancel our return ticket and change it to another date??? Bengang betul. Tapi since we both do not wish to give free money to Mr Tony Fernandez, so we just extend our stay. Nasib baik Rita boleh angkut leave banyak tu if not, solo molo la aku kat Laos.

Yup..our room is just opposite the reception, which is good coz we got the best internet coverage. Huhuh..
 First thing we do bila dah smp bilik is SLEEP! We both can't really sleep at the airport so balas dendam. Around 2pm, perut dah lapar so we go merayau. As you can see, it's very quiet. Best tau..x byk kereta and amazingly, unlike any other Asian city we go, Vientiane is very calm, peaceful & there is this safe feeling to it. Maybe because they don't haggle with you although knowing you are tourist, they don't stare knowing you do look different from them, they don't call you and ask you to go to their shop etc..It's nice. Kita dua pun jalan lenggang kangkung. Huhuhu...
 Petang2 this is where the Laotian in Vientiane always do. Lepak at the river front. Lebih kurang cam water front kat Kuching la tapi less vibrant. Yang buat it happening is the people itself. Yang kat atas tu is Thailand. literally can swim to Thailand from there.
 Penjual dah siap sedia dah. Every night near the waterfront, memang ada night market, which we both frequent every night! Hahha..
 Jap let me think..sapa mamat ni...hmm...haaa... nama dia King Anouvong. Memerintah Laos from 1767-1829. He is the last King of the former Lao Kingdom of Lan Xang. Laos history is very long so kalau nak tau or interested nak tau macam saya..siler2 rajin2 baca buku about it. Nak citer sine, pjg giler tuuuu...
As you can see, Laos ni bersih OKKK....the park is spotless. I really like it. Orang sine reti nak buang sampah dalam tong sampah, unlike some places I been to. Hhuhu...

 This is the grand palace. Can see from the waterfront but what we both don't realised is that, this is the back view!!! hahaha...Nanti I show you the front view.
Tadaa....this is the front view. We were on our way back to our hotel when we saw this. Betul2 self discovery ni. Hahah...
 On our first day sine we walk and walk and walk...and you know what, dah more than half the town we discover. Vientiane ni x besar so s1-2days dah cukup untuk discover smua benda2 yg patut di lihat. We both are interested in the history & culture so syiok la sine. Pasal orang yang suka shopping, sorry people, this is not the place for you. Memang xder benda nak shopping pun. Souvenier sama jer dgn negara jiran..Thailand. Anyway, gambar atas tu called That Dam (Black Stupa). One of the major attraction wlp I wonder apa yg 'mengattract' tu...hahaha...
 Then adventure punya pasal, we continue on walking sampai la ke sine. This is the MUST see monument in Vientiane. Build masa French colonization of Laos ( Laos ni kan antara negara Indo-China yg dijajah oleh French). It is call Patuxai in Laotian or the Victory Gate. Benda ni exactly the same dengan yg ada kat France...well what do you expect kan...orang dia yg bina. HUhuhu...
Ha...yours truly snap2 picture of herself. Rupa mmg sekian pasal peluh siottt! Jauh kita jalan tuuu..entah brp km entah. Patut tourist smua pakai tuktuk..only we yg jalan kaki. Penat seh tp good exercise tu...program diet yg bagus. Hahaha...
 Ni is the Ministry of Defence kalau x silap. Area2 dekat Patuxai ni memang banyak office either government or private company. I think smua ministry office dia orang kat area ni juga.
 I just love what they do here. Ni ceiling one of the gate tower. Emas ke?? Itu I xtau.Huhuh..
Again, bersih kan their park. I very like!! And as I mentioned no one bother about us!! I super like again! Ok...I will continue on pasal our trip in my next entry. Nanti over panjang plak ni..tungguuu...

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