Saturday 30 November 2013

Laos ...finale

So, here we are again...nak abiskan citer2 pasal my trip sabor eh...
 So, for the first few morning we were here, I do my work. Yes, although viva dah settle and I passed, I still ader minor correction nak buat. I don't like to delay doing it so I brought with me my thesis and laptop. Literally, the trip is work cum pleasure. Actually, it's nice to work at a different environment because it gives you new idea. So, every morning I will terpacak sine with my breakfast...courtesy of the chalet & do my work. Within 3 days, dah settle dah my correction. For those yang nak tau how I can finished my phd within 3years..this is the answer. Regardless, where I go, my laptop & hard drive always go with me. I do work and travel at the same time. No rest for 3years OKK....tu jer rahsia ku.Huhuh..
 Again petang2 we go here. Best tau ambik angin here & watching the sunset.
Anddd...yes, nak bagitau. Orang sine suka exercise!! Very nice to know unlike kita kat Msia kan..suka makan. U hardly find org yg overweight sine. Smua nyer slim melim tau! Tiap petang there will be two different aerobic group here, the young one & the old one. Anyone can bayar2. Heheh...besides this, byk org yg jogging kat sine. Amazing ..
 Ha..this is what we both love seeing every evening in Vientiane.
 See..smp malam tu exercise...hahaha
 This is the sotong kering seller. Dari jauh I can smell the sotong. Nak beli x brani pulak. Tapi bau sodappp...
 Captured a picture of this Laotian girl. Just loving it how the people here take life very easy. It's very relaxing to sit here and enjoy the panoramic view. For those yang ingat negara ni miskin sgt...THINK AGAIN DUDE! You can still see BMW, Mercedes or even Cayenne around town ok. So, jangan pandang rendah before you actually see it for yourself!
 Ni..I donno apa entah mamat ni buat kat sine. I assume nak try his luck tangkap ikan kot.
 Kan I cakap tadi, they love to exercise..ader yg jogging, brisk walking, skate boarding..cycling.. la the night market that I been talking about. Actually nothing much you can get because for a person that been travelling to almost all SEA countries, I found the souvenirs are similar to one another. I am just searching for some particular painting and carving during this trip.
 So, the next day me & Rita determine we need to go to the top of the Patuxia. When we were there on our first day in Vientiane, we were late. The gate closed at 5pm. So, this time, we go in the morning. Off we go and man...that is a long walk from our chalet and all the way up to the top but we get to see this view! Nice kannn...
 And that's the road we use to come here. Where we stay is wayyyy in front..x leh tengok dah..
Yeahh...awal pagi dah exercise. Peluh2 sakan tapi harus take picture gituew. After buying some 'compulsory' souvenir (it's compulsory because my FIL is an avid coin/notes collector. So everywhere I travel, I make it a point to find some old coin/note from that country), we went down and off to the most famous monument in Vientiane. it is. The Great Sacred Stupa or known as Pa That Luang. Again, me & my buddy walk all the way here. The area is quiet remote. We were worry that we might end up out of nowhere but we just follow the sign. It was a long walk. It is no wonder that most tourist we passed by, either used tuktuk or bicycle. Tapi it's a great way to see things along the way. 
 Just like this fruits stall here. Hahaha..
 I have no idea what this is but I guess it's some sort of museum. We didn't go in because we so kedekut nak bayar fee. Haaha...dah la masuk stupa nak bayar. So, x payah la masuk.
 And like most temple, kenak cover from waist to knee. Tapi atas sexy xper. I still not quite understand that tapi just follow la kan. Lagipun I kindda know the drill because dah banyak sgt go temple. 
 I just love this angle..
Cam build from gold. Heheh...kalau ada religious ceremony, congregation will flock this stupa and see those grass, you wont see it coz penuh with them. It be nice to witness though...

So, there goes my trip. It has been a great trip for both of us despite all the 'incident' that we need to go through in order to get our feet in Laos. Never regret it because Laos is indeed a beauty. It does not only open our eyes to understand the country and the people but it also answer some of the question I have in my head before I came here. I plan to come here again but not to Vientiane ..this time, I want to go to Luang Prabang. That will be nice.

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