Wednesday 16 November 2011


Boring...that is what people always say. But what is not boring? What is the definition of boring? For me, 'boring' is very subjective. What is bored to you, does not necessary bored to another person & vice versa. I am always being ask by some 'concern friends' whether don't I feel bored staying at home almost all the time or don't I feel bored staying at home while my hubby go to work. Well, you see when I am in Denmark or China (where we use to live), I spend most of my time at home, doing my work. What work???

Although I am a student but what people do not know is that being a PhD student, we do feel like doing a fulltime job. We spend lots of our time browsing the net (this is what we call outsourcing for information as regards to our research), we spend even lots of time reading (reading journal is a tiring work because we really need to understand every words & sometimes, the writing is so academical that by the end of the day, we are mentally tired even though it is only an article or two) and we spend lots of time doing our thesis writing too. I do not know about other people who doing what I am doing by I start my writing since the day I register for it. I feel that it is one way to stimulate your brain and once you stop writing or reading for a day, it will drag to few days, weeks, months and by the time u realized, you spend 1yrs doing none of those!!!

Do I feel bored doing all these?? No (we at least, 80% no)...hahaha...when I am at the 20%, well I have friends, real good friends to call & hang out with or do some outdoor activities with or we sometimes, travel together. Or I can go home to Kuching & take the time out & just spend more time with families & friends. You see, in life having really close & good friends is utmost important (at least to me). When people get married & have kids or when life get too busy, they always sacrifice their friendship & simply say...oh..too busy to meet up..well, that is the biggest mistake ever!!! And those work that I am doing is not boring to me because if it is, then I can tell you that I am in the wrong 'business'.

So conclusively, you only feel bored because you want to feel bored. The reason that you gives are reasons you created to help you to explain to people why you are bored. Some said, when I get married then I won't feel bored...(erkkk..say who???) ..when I have kids, then I would not be bored ..(erkk...think again)...when I have lots of money, then I won't be bored ..(erkkk..are you sure?)...your life is boring because you make it boring! That is the only explanation you need. So to those who keep asking me this question...are you sure you do care whether I am bored or you just want to find 'bored buddy' so you can bored each other with your boredom. Sorry sista...I would not be that buddy.

Moral of the story: Enjoy life as you might die tomorrow!

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