Tuesday 24 February 2015

Confinement story

I know I should sleep but the eyes just won't shut yet. So, I took the time to update my blog & share my confinement moment. As usual, after delivery ..next is confinement time. Seriously..those who wish me happy confinement..well you know what..nothing so happy about it! Muahahah...Honestly, I don't know who on earth created confinement thingy. I believe they have nothing else to do but making women life miserable. OK..to be specific..Asian women's life miserable!! ...

No joke OK! So..do I enjoy my confinement...obviously NOT! Ohh..maybe the massage part..YES! Before delivery waaa..bukan main semangat nak strict confinement la konon nyer. Bila dah lalui.. ..strict amender nyer. Everyday gaduh dgn mak. Hahha..coz I just don't have the patience to deal with all the unnecessary headache. My mother in law once asked me, why do we want to torture ourselves going through it if we do not like it. Well..I guess because everyone go through it..so aku pun ikut la. 

Ok. What can I say? Memang I don't like confinement. Eating the same food all over again for the whole month, which mean..ginger..ginger..and more ginger. Malaysia ni dah la panas nak mampus, bagi makan banyak ginger pulak tu. Aduhhh makk...inside out panas sehh!! I literally sweat like I just came out from shower, and this is like continuously sweating for 24hrs for the next 30days. Dah la mak x kasi mandi.  Well..me being me..I mandi jer. Tak tahan babe x mandi. Giler aper.  Next, no ice water. OK..that probably not so bad as I started to enjoy hot milk or hot milo. I prefer hot tea but my sis told me that it might make me constipated so xnak la. Lepas tu...kacang ma...kacang ma...kacang ma..aduh makk..bosan giler.  I am the type of person who don't eat the same food every day so you can imagine my face when I have to eat that everyday. 

Even hubby makes joke about it...
Hubby: Honey..what shall you eat today? The green stuff or the green stuff...

For those who don't know what is kacang ma. It is a type of herb that you cook with ginger (againnn...) and add up with a little bit or in my case, lots of liquor. Memang panas giler lps makan.   Don't get me wrong yeah. I like kacang ma but not when you have to eat it every single day!

Next on the agenda of confinement is..no ac or fan. Gilos! I sweat like pig..cannot take cold shower..lepas tu..x blh guna ac/kipas. Bloody hell panas.  Hello...ni Malaysia kot. Not the north pole. So..argue again with my mum. Sampai penat dah asyik gaduh. Hahah..FYI, beside having to eat lots of ginger based food with some alcohol, I also required to drink medicated wine, which literally heat up your body as well. Haa..can you imagine the heat. Then I was told to use sock..wear long sleeves or sweater..cover my head. Aduh makk...memang seksa!  But..for those who visited me during my confinement time, I do not wear sweater nor cover my head.  And some more, some people even x wash the dishes  during confinement unless the tap water have heater. But me being me..I wash my own plate. Hello..not that I have maid to do all of that. The first 1-2wks, yes I do rest a lot. If you consider waking up at the wee hour in the morning is resting that is. 

In the 2nd week of confinement, I went to JPN to registered the birth of my son.  Next, my hubby & I went to the Danish embassy to do Karl's passport. So, the whole idea of confinement that x boleh kluar umah for 30-40 days, does not apply to me. Then we need to get stuff for Xmas and but Christmas presents. Before I forgot, confinement ni x sah kalo xder pakai bengkung or stomach binder. Aduh makk..the massage lady wrap it too tight sampai rasa nak terkluar usus2 ku ini. Giler ketat seh. Nak duduk pun x senang. What more to breast feed. Memang seksa tapi perut memang kecik. I guess beauty is pain. 

So, overall, I don't enjoy going through confinement. I didn't strictly ikut the confinement 'rules' but I am lucky that today byk set pantang/bersalin that could help you physically to get back to your old self. I took Shakless confinement set, which I continue to take until today. And as for outer body, I use Tanamera set. I do not hired any confinement lady as my mum is here with me but I do hired a massage lady. And she is really good. Although my experience is not so enjoyable, I am glad that it is all behind me and if you ask me whether I want to go through it again.sudah tentu la tidak! .For those who enjoy theirs..good for u. Yang belum lalui keseksaan itu... .all the best!

Saturday 21 February 2015

9mths journey-Part 2

Haa..ni part 2 pulak. Karl masih sleeping so I nak siapkan trus my part 2 arini juga. Hahhaha..nanti donno when dapat buat part 2 ni. Anyway, my second half of pregnancy was spend in KL & basically I am all alone. I came back to Msia in July and I started working in August.

Before I arrived in Msia, I already decided where I want to do my pregnancy follow up. My gynecologist was my sister good friend back in the medical school so I am very confident that I will be in good hand. I search online for pregnancy cloths..gosh..to look good during pregnancy cost you a bump nowadays! Hahah...tapi sape nak look like makcik kan. Just bcoz ure 'bloated' doesn't mean you cannot bergaya kan. I also started searching for confinement lady and start asking around what kind of supplement that will be good for post-pregnancy. Ye la..kena juga usaha kan kalo nak sihat lps delivery.

My second scanning was done here and masa tu sibuk nak tahu jantina. But unfortunately, masih x jelas. Only after my 3rd scanning that we can see the gender and on my 4th scanning baru betul2 confirm that it is a boy. Well..no wonder I don't feel like baking at all throughout my pregnancy. Hahah...and I am sangat2 aktif!

Ni dah masuk 6bln.

Kena selfie guna cermin coz xder org to take my picture. Hehheh...

Me at 7mths..

Most of my cloths I beli from 9mths, mothercare or mother club.

Ni baru masuk 8 bln. At this time, I no longer masuk gym but I maintain my brisk walking exercise.  Org tua cakap, nanti senang nak beranak..I guess in my case, ada betul la that petua. Utk org lain, I donno eh..

Ni dah 8mth+..

This is me at 36wks..going 37wks. Memang dah sarat ni...

Every week I will get my supply of coconut drink coz my mum advice me to drink it daily. Nanti baby senang nak kluar & baby pun bersih (honestly..I donno what people mean with baby bersih)...hahaha..But seriously, I drink it because nak juga la senang beranak kan ..and sebab its cooling. This is because when I am pregnant, I am always feeling hot. Every night ac wajib 19C and I dont even need a bloody comforter! My office dah macam kutub utara. Hahah..

Tick..tock..tick..tock..dah 36wks. I almost got admitted because my blood pressure suddenly gone up quite high (169/96). I was on medication and she told me..if I x deliver by 38wks, kena la induce. Alamak...dgr induce jer bp naik dahhhh....hahaha...So I told my husband about the not so good news and he decided to change his flight so he could come earlier & be with me in the labour room. I still masuk office until the day before I deliver but since my bp was quite high, I was not allow to drive alone so I have my sister as my chaperone. Muahaha...and every night for the next two weeks, I basically have a 'nanny'. My gynea only gave me two option...have a 'nanny' or masuk ward. Huhuhhu...

Ni dah masuk 36wks..my feet dah bengkak. I am so lucky that I feet become 'fat' only toward the end of my pregnancy. Hheheh..

Finally on 29th Novermber, about 540am my water broke. I called my sister and ask..cam maner rupa water broke eh? Hahhaha...My sis dah agak dah, kalau call awal pagi cam tu mesti ada sesuatu. Indeed sesuatu..nak deliver!! Konon nyer pagi tu nak pergi IKEA..looking for Xmas stuff la. Nasib baik water broke before we all go IKEA..if not haru biru deliver in IKEA!! My sis cal my gynea and she told me to relax & just datang kat labour ward UMSC. Me..being an OCD..siap mop lantai bilik ..took shower, do laundry & dry laundry. Makan maggi..tu jer yg cepat nak masak for breakfast..then we go hospital. I think around 930-945am cam tu. My contraction was quite mild at that time so masih boleh chitchat & watsapp..until 330 when it was so intense. 


Ni masih boleh senyum. My nephew was with me all the time while my sister run some errand. Well, he basically witness the birth of his cousin! Nasib baik dia x pengsan. Hahha..

And 4 hrs later..Karl was born! My son, Karl Nambah Normann Olesen was born on 29th November, 2014 at 1937 at University Malaya Specialist Center. I am lucky that my sister was there with me. Kalau dia xder, mmg sah2 I deliver seorg2. Nasib badan la kan..and hubby was not there to witness the birth of our son because Karl decided he don't want to wait for daddy. He came out 3wks earlier!

And there goes the whole experience. Priceless indeed but it all worth it. He is indeed a blessing.

9 mths journey -Part 1

Finally I have some quiet time on a weekend when the little man sleeping. Life has been extremely busy for me lately with work & taking care of the little one but I am enjoying every moment of motherhood. Never have I imagine that I will go through this phase of life but it is indeed a God blessing. My son has bring joy and happiness to both me & my husband despite all the late night feeding. Hheeh..

I have been wanting to write and share my pregnancy journey with you guys but mood belum datang until now. So I guess I better tulis now. MUahaha..Well, I have been keeping my pregnancy a secret from lots of people but to a number of close friends. My own cousin don't even know that I am pregnant so you can imagine the surprise when I suddenly announced the arrival of my baby boy online. I have no specific reason to keep it a secret but simply because I want it to be a private and personal moment for me & my hubby. When we first found out that I am pregnant, we agreed that we do not tell anyone about it until I am ready. After 3mths and our first scanning, we finally share the news with both our parents. 

I am one of the lucky one as I do not have to suffer the 'morning sickness'. Besides, the nausea feeling and occasional headache, I considered my pregnancy was a smooth one. I am also lucky that I do not have to endured the 'elephant leg' due to water retention. I do not have any weird craving. But my skin suffer during my whole pregnancy because of breakout, which I am trying to 'repair' now.

Life goes on as usual for me. I remain active as that's what the doctor advice me to do. So, I attended to my garden..weeding the lawn..helping hubby attending the boiler & I maintain my daily exercise routine. Have to keep fit la. As far as food intake goes, I religiously took my vitamins & very particular on what I eat. There's no coffee..no frozen food..no process food..no canned food..no junk food..no alcohol of course..no soda drinks...and hubby also have to smoke elsewhere during that time. I only eat home cook meal, fresh fruits and vegetable. Cam org diet nak kurus plak kan. Hahaha...

Opsss..sorry..xder kepala plak. Biasala..home alone..kena guna timer. Hehhe..Tapi xper, tujuan bukan nak tunjuk muka tapi tummy. This is me at 13wks. 

At 13wks..masih maintain..muahaha...Just that perut x kempis dah..a bit boroi coz ader 'something' growing inside. Huhuhu..

I think I kena beli baju preggy when I am going to 5mths. I guess the pregnancy diet & exercise works for me in term of not gaining too much weight. And also I dont eat after 830pm. So kalau lapar tgh mlm..tido jer. Muahaha...

During my 4mths plus, I flew back to KL alone because hubby only be able to get vacation somewhr in August.Lagipun masa tu mmg I plan to balik Msia awal so I can spend more time there with my friends and families. Itu la original plan nyer before I tau I am expecting. 

Me at 4mths plus..

Masa ni..masih active pergi gym & turun naik bukit hillpark. And masih larat jalan seharian di shopping mall. 
Front view...hehehe

I guess being all alone while I am expecting make me tougher because I only have myself to depend on. Macho sehh...

Ok. To be continue....