Tuesday 28 January 2014

Mama Mia..pizza Ria..

It was one of those day when I feel very lazy to cook for dinner, we will either eat home made burger, hot dog or pizza. So, last weekend, in the midst of a snow storm, we decided to eat pizza. And obviously, it is home made. Besides that we can't really move anywhere due to the storm, it is also because, we prefer home made pizza. Why not?? You get to design your own master piece without anyone start charging you extra because you want extra cheese..or pepperoni..or pineapple..or mushroom..etc. 

What is important when making pizza, is definitely the DOUGH! And I believe you guys know that there are variety of dough when it comes to pizza. Some like a thick dough..thin crust..fluffy... a bit 'tender'..ader yang suka letak cheese inside the dough dan pelbagai lagi. For me, I just want a soft dough. Tak nak la keras cam batu or liat cam getah kan. Hehhe...

So, making pizza dough is very easy. All you need is yeast, flour, salt and warm water. But this time, I add a tablespoon of sugar and 2-3 tablespoon of olive oil. Mula-mula you add the yeast to the warm water & make sure the water is not too hot nor it is too cold. Kalau tidak, yeast anda akan MATI! Maksudnyer, dough anda tak akan kembang la. Then add sugar and olive oil. Kacau everything to make sure it dissolve (the yeast & sugar). 

In a big bowl, mix the flour & salt together. 

Then you buat lubang kat tengah2 campuran tepung tadi. 

Next, you pour the wet mixture kat lubang tu . 

Slowly, bring the flour in the well gradually and swirl it into the liquid. Then uli ( I believe that is the Malay word for kneading) the campuran into a huge dough. Kalau tak nak the dough melekat kat jari jemari tu, brush your finger ngan tepung. 

Lepas tu biarkan dough (cover the bowl with a towel) for about 45 minutes. Biar it naik. I just love seeing dough I naik. Very satisfying. Now, some of my friends as me, naper dough dia orang x naik? My answer is very simple, it has to be the yeast! Itu la I pesan awal-awalkan, the water untuk dissolve yeast to mesti luke warm; not hot & not cold. Baru CUN! Hheheh..

Anyway, lepas 45 minutes, rolled the dough into whatever shape you like. Me, of course rectangular la kan..like this..
Then biar for 15 minutes sebelum you letak whatever you nak letak as the inti. Lepas 15 minutes, first thing first, the tomato paste. Kita orang xder stock kat umah so what I used is ketchup. Mat salleh nyer ketchup la..aka tomato sos! Hahaha..then baru you letak apa2 jenis benda you nak letak. Mine is like this..

There's mini sausage..mushroom..pineapple..pepperoni..and of course, top it with mozzarella cheese!!! And the result...

Yezzerr....the dough is excellent! Nothing beats your own pizza! :))

Cara nak buat dough:

  • 31/2 cups of flour
  • 1/2 tbsp of sugar
  • 1/2 tsp of salt
  • 1 pack of dry yeast ( approx. 7gm)
  • 2 tbsp of olive oil
  • 11/4 cups of luke warm water
Enjoy making your own pizza!

Saturday 25 January 2014

Sausage rolls

I have made this before but I am not very satisfied with the texture of the bun. It was just not fluffy and soft enough. Then i stop making it and start doing some research on how to do a better bun for my sausage rolls. I want it to taste exactly the same with the one you can find in a chinese bakery shop. Then I came across something called tangzhong. No worry..xder babi or arak dalam tangzhong ni..dijamin halal ok. It is just a mixture of flour & water. Apasal or dari mana dtg that name..don't ask. Just google kalau nak tau naper ok.

Anyway, I though I will give this recipe a try since it sound strange yet very intriguing. Lagipun, I have a pack of sausage dlm freezer so why not..hubby pun suka makan sausage rolls. Ok..what you need are;

  • 350 gm of bread flour
  • 5 gm of dry yeast
  • 55 gm of sugar
  • 6 gm of salt
  • 30 gm of butter, room temperature
  • 1 egg
  • 125ml of milk
  • 120 gm of tangzhong (nak buat ni senang jer, 1/3 cup of bread flour + 1 cup of water. Mix both ingredients and stir to make sure xder lump. Then heat the mixture on a medium fire and keep on stirring sampai la the mixture getting thicker. Once you notice 'lines' appear each time you stir it, meaning the mixture is ready. Cool it before placing it in a bowl & string wrap it and place inside the fridge for several hours. Then you can use it and this tangzhong boleh di simpan for 2 days)
  • 6-8 pieces of sausage
  • 1 egg ( for glazing, this will give the rolls a brown golden look)
  • Poppy seed for garnishing
Ok. Skrg cara-cara nak buat the dough.

Combined all dry ingredients; flour, yeast, sugar & salt. Then make a well in the middle and pour the wet ingredients that has been whisk together; egg, tangzhong & milk. Knead the dough for few minutes (approx. 5 minutes) then add the butter. Knead it together until you get the shiny and elastic dough. Knead the dough into a ball shape and set it aside for 40 minutes.

Lepas the dough dah kembang/naik. knead the dough into small ball and biarkan for 20minute untuk naik.

After 20 minute, rolled the small dough into a long dough...cam maner nak explain eh..ok..roll it cam tali la..senang cakap. Then lilit each small dough yang dah diuli cam tali tadi on each of the sausage. So you get rupa cam ni...

Biarkan for another 45 minutes before you letak dalam oven. Then glaze the rolls with egg and taburkan poppy seeds..

Then baked for 35 minutes in a 185C. The result....tadaaa!!!

I manage to do 7 complete sausage rolls and 3 mini rolls..

It only takes 2 days for it to finish..huhuhu...sedap and finally I found a good recipe for the roll!!

Coffe bun aka Rotiboy

The very first time I ate Rotiboy, man..I am hooked! It reaches a point where I am basically addicted to Rotiboy. One of the first (or probably the first) Rotiboy bakery is the one situated in KLCC. And I was working at KLCC at that time. Gosh..I practically have to eat Rotiboy every single day! The aroma of baked coffee bun just filling up the ambience as you come closer and closer to the bakery, and it just so addictive. I eat Rotiboy until a point where I can't eat it anymore! Yes..it was that bad.

Bad..thankfully I get over my addiction before I become overweight. Huhhu...But I still find the smell of baked Rotiboy very appetizing. Luckily, I don't have the urge to buy it anymore.

Today however, I feel like eating one. So, I search for recipe online & I guess I just have to try an error as I never bake it before. Armed with faith & experience...here goes nothing! 

First we need to do the dough for the bun. You need;

  • 500gm of flour
  • 80gm of castor sugar
  • 1/4 tsp of salt
  • 10gm of dry yeast ( I am using wet yeast though)
  • 60gm of butter
  • 280ml of water
  • 1 egg
Mix the dry ingredients. Then slowly add the water and the egg. Knead the dough for few minutes before you finally add the butter. I found out that by adding the butter toward the last moment of kneading, will result in a softer bun. I did the same when making my sausage roll & I must say, the bun really is softer...fluffier. Knead it for a few minutes until the dough look very shiny & elastic. Then left the dough to rise for 45 minutes.

So, while tunggu dough naik, let us prepare the topping. Yes, the coffee topping that gives those aroma that you can smell from miles away. Hehhehe..Here are what you need for the topping;

  • 200gm of butter
  • 150gm of icing sugar
  • 3 eggs
  • 200gm of flour
  • 1tbsp of coffee granules + 2tbsp of hot coffee/espresso
  • 1 tbsp coffee liqueur ( this is optional ya. Now don't go think that Rotiboy use liquor. It just me & for those who want to use it)
 Beat the butter & sugar. Then add egg gradually.

 Next, folded in the flour ...

Add the coffee granules and hot coffee...

 and coffee liqueur...I'm using Bailey..:)
Lepas tu, set it aside. Bila dough dah naik & you are ready to bake the bun...sediakan around 100gm of butter for the filling in order to give the bun that buttery taste.

Bahagi the dough into small ball. Kalau nak betul2 sama size, you can weight each ball but for me, I just main agak2 jer. It will look like this.

 Ok. Masa untuk letak the filling. Take each dough ball and stretch it..tapi jangan la sampai koyak..just cukup2 untuk letak 1tsp butter as filling..buat cam ni ah..boleh tengok kan butter tu kat tengah2 dough yang telah di stretch..
Then cover the filling betul2 so that masa baking it won't buka. So, nanti it will look cam ni..
So, benda ni you biar for another 45 minute so it will kembang to double size. After 45 minutes, using a piping bag, placed the topping mixture and spread it on top of the bun just before you placed it inside the oven.
X pernah rupa x cantik...nanti dah masak cantik ler tu..Baked it in a 215C temperature for 18 minutes. Bila dah nak masak...hmmm..sedap nyer bau coffee...

So today, I get myself a coffee bun aka Rotiboy!

Best di makan bila panas!! Kalau nak lebih buttery, boleh tambah the filling to 2tsp instead of just 1tsp. 

Happy baking!!

Friday 24 January 2014

Chocolate Muesli Cookie

I love to eat muesli. Sometime, I mix it with yogurt & honey, and that is breakfast; with a cup of coffee of course. But I don't eat it every morning because I just like to change my menu according to my need. So, when I opened the cabinet, there is still a huge bag of muesli left & I told myself, I have to do something with it before the whole thing get expire. Those who know me very well, know that I hate throwing food away. Even of I have to eat it again & again for the whole week!

Well, we don't get to eat so many nice thing when we grow up because not that my parent are rich so we are very careful with food. Some of my friend even called me 'kedekut' because tak nak buang makanan. Hahah...sayang you know. Penat2 you beli..masak..then buang. I rather forget about how boring it is to eat the same food all over again then throwing it away.

So, I decided to bake muesli cookie. This has got to be the easiest cookie of all time. Very simple and fast. All you need is muesli..obviously, sultanas (kismis), flakes almond, flour, butter, honey/maple syrup, egg & chocolate (melted and to be drizzle on top of the cookie).

First, mix the muesli, sultanas and flakes almond. Then pour the flour in the same bowl. 
  Create a well in the muesli mixture to pour the wet ingredients; butter, maple syrup & egg.

When you pour the wet ingredients into the muesli mixture, gaul kan sampai sekata macam kat bawah ni...

Once everything is well mix, use a tablespoon to scope the mixture to get shape yang sama. Letak dalam baking tray yang sudah di letak baking paper.
Then bake for 20 minutes in a 180C. Let it cool off for 5 minutes before you put the chocolate drizzle. Tapi since I am so malas, I just tempek the chocolate on top of the cookies. Hey..it still taste mabeles!! So, enjoy your cookies!

Here's the ingredients;

  • 3 cups of muesli
  • 1 cup of sultanas
  • 1/2 cup of flakes almond
  • 3/4 cup of flour
  • 100gm of butter
  • 1/2 cup of maple syrup
  • 1 egg
  • 1/2 cup of melted chocolate

Happy baking!!

Wednesday 22 January 2014

Cerita orang bak menua ribai..:)

Lama udah aku ka cuba nulis blog dalam bahasa Iban tapi slalu endak nyadi. Laban Iban aku tok endak berapa manah laban ka ukai Iban tulin. Ngantik ka berjako, macha & ninga bahasa Iban nemu meh aku tang ngantik part2 (nee..tu udah jako Ingeris..heheh) grammar nyak, sigi FAIL! Nyak meh balasan ya laban ka maya agik skul di Kapit subak, slalu 'escape' kelas Iban. Laban ke kelas nyak slalu jak last class, nyak meh slalu ngangak alasan ka pulai. Hahahha...nyak tiap kali exam, anang nyebut. Sigik fail. Tapi at least aku nemu jako Iban. Endak la apai ku malu. Hheheh...

Anyway, campur jak la bahasa ku ditok aok. Sapa ka endak nemu jako Iban, nasib la kan. Aku saritok ka bercerita pasal brita hangat diatu. Cerita apai indai ka di tangkap alu di jail bak menua Sweden ditok. Apa pendapat kitak? OK ka maluk anak? Mesti maioh mai jawapan kan laban ukai smua anak sama. Bisi ka manchal..bisi ka nelap..bisi ka kuat ngelaban..bisi ka udu mai nyaut apai indai..bisi ka ningga ajak ..etc. Aku maioh kawan ka bisi anak. Bisi antara sidak maluk anak tang don't get it wrong ya..sidak maluk nadai la sampai alu biru2. Nu over gak nyak kan..Bisi ka suka berterauh nganok anak sampai suara nu ngalah ke Amy Search..hahaha..tang apa2 cara skali pun, nyak meh cara paling manah ko sidak ya awak ka anak nyak nyadi orang ka berguna ilak lusa. Aku faham..ukai aku endak faham walaupun aku tok nadai bisi anak. Tapi kes tok lain. Namahal ku madah lain..laban apai indai nembiak tok diau bak menua yang maluk anak udah lebih 30thn dibanned (x nemu nama word tok dlm Iban)..

Aku tok udah suah mai diau and mawa ke menua ribai. Endak kira menua ne endur aku pergi, aku mesti ka study dulu pasal endur nyak. Nama utai ka ulih di gagak diak..sejarah endur nyak..nama utai ka endak tau digagak maya diak.. etc. Awak ka aku niboh kiruh atau endak menyusahkan dirik ngadu utai ka endak sepatut ya. Laban adat kitai bertanding ka umah/menua orang, sigi mesti nitih adat/peraturan bak menua nyak. Ne ulih kitai sukati peneka hati diau diak nu baka kitai diau bak menua dirik empu. Aku and a matter of fact, I believe all of us, nadai nemu nama cita sebenar kes tok tadi. Laban kitai sekadar maca bak newspaper/media. Bakani ya maluk anak ya, kitai endak nemu. Paluk sampai bisi lebam ka nadai, pan kitai endak nemu. Amai ka baru sekali nyak ya maluk atau udah berkali2. Tapi yang jelas, udah di stated bak Swedish Law yang parent endak ulih maluk anak and it has been implemented on 15th March, 1979!!!

Bah..do you see where I am going here?? Rules nyak udah bak diak bertahun lama ya. Parent nembiak nyak udah diau bak Sweden for the past 3 years (alu berubah bahasa..ehheh). Dah la Director gik nyak..konon ka promote Msia bak diak. Kati ka promote bila nuan empu nadai ka nitih rules of your host country??? Ya simply giving the impression that kitai orang Msia tok nadai respect ngangai rules negara bukai tapi expect orang bukai respect kitai empu so called culture/regulations. It make me wonder, bisi ka sidak tok take time untuk maca history on why such regulations were implemented. My bet...sigi nadai. Engka mikir laban ka bisi pangkat besai..maioh connection etc..nadai hal la. Niboh nitih gilak..tambah2 gik ku maluk bak umah. Tapi skali udah kenak tangkap, bisi hati ka minta immunity. Hello??? Even diplomat India bak US ka violated visa application empu rule pan di depot orang pulai ke India. Diplomat nyak...ukai pengarah tourism

Kitai suah mai ka nganok bala sidak 'apai celum' aka apreka ka sukati jak ngadu Msia baka negara sidak din. Nganok sidak 'apai carpet' aka orang arab ka diau bak Msia nadai respect kitai beserta enggau kitai empu cara penghidup. Nganok sidak idup baka bak Hollywood....nganok sdk Indon ..Bangla..Nepalese..etc..Sigi typical Msian, rindu ka nganok orang bukai nadai hati ka hormat negara kitai. Tapi bila kitai empu bak menua orang, idup baka bak Msia, nadai hal piak??? Kala kitai mikir our own action whether it is being respectful or shameful? Baka bak Msia, nyual dadah carry a capital punishment aka gantung sampai mati. As soon as bilun terengka bak airport, udah di padah orang statement nyak. It's apply to Msian and non-Msian. Kitai pan nadai meh kira sapa laban ngantik udah maik dadah, hukum ya sigi mati. Enggai kitai orang luar mempersoalkan hukum tok. FYI, bak ditok (Scandinavian countries) death penalty udah lama di abolish. So, ngantik orang sweden di tangkap maik dadah masuk Msia, will we let them go???? Obviously NOT! Sidak stuju ka endak, sidak udah maik dadah and nyak adalah salah, so terima la consequence ya. Sama la enggau negara bukai ngantik kitai violated their rules.

So, pikir2 la kedirik. Kitai ka merantau tok especialy ka diau bak menua ribai, including me, kitai mesti nemu maik dirik. Kitai mesti well-verse enggau regulations menua endur kitai diau nyak. Kitai mesti respect cara idup sdk bak menua nyak. Just because kitai endak stuju alu kitai endak nitih. We must learn how to adapt to our environment in order to survive the outside world. We can't change the rules, but we can change ourselves to go around the rules. Tak kan laban nuan sikok, satu negara ka ngubah rules/policy? Kitai tok sapa? Tuhan? Be humble, open our heart for change, open our mind to others way of live, take it as a challenge to change ourselves and before we condemn others, try to look in the mirror and ask..."Kati aku ka ngasuh anak aku terbuka untuk mengenal Tuhan tanpa perlu aku terpekik terlolong atau maluk ya"...

Nyak ajak saritok. Tadaa... 

Sunday 19 January 2014

Snow ...ooo...snow..

When middle of December came, there is no snow at all so I thought, yes..this will be a mild winter and I keep telling my friends and family at home that there will be very little of snow this year. Luckily they (my family) came previous year where they really experience white Christmas. We received a lot of rain this year. Almost every day it rains and rains but at least there is not so much of thunderstorm here. Only one time that there is a very strong storm come our way but since we live far from the coast line, the damage is not very obvious. I pity those who stay near the coast line because they really experience lots of damage.

But as I am comfortably think that this spring my flower will be blooming beautifully due to the mild winter, suddenly without warning..there's snow storm!! In just one day, everything is white! The temperature was not so low but the wind factor make it damn cold all the way to the bone! Literally, Denmark mainly consist of a flat land so it received a lot of wind every since there is not much of mountain/hill to become the natural barrier for the wind. And also the main reason why you get to see that there are a lot of windmill here because they generate electricity using wind power. Now, that is sustainable living.

Here some of the picture of the 'aftermath' that I manage to capture for the past few days...when I decide to brace the cold weather and get out from my warm and comfy reclining chair in the living room. Hehhee...

You can still see the bbq place..but today, it is cover with snow..(took this one at 830am today)
Now the bird struggling to find shelter from the wind since the tree is bare.
My front lawn especially in front of the new garage is covered with snow. Luckily we never park the car inside the new garage. We usually used the old one ..
Here's the old one..
And that door at the corner is the entrance to the function room which is not accessible for now so I have to used the back entrance from the barn.
I don't even want to go here because the snow is very deep and it is hard for me to find a balance. Kalau jatuh..sejuk sehhh..
 Ni yang malas nak g buang sampah nii...little of snow is nice but too much make it very difficult to move around.
Nak buat ABC..silerkan..free ice tapi make sure you take the free one. Who know what has 'contaiminated' the snow while you're not seeing. Hehehhe...
 This is near our barn. The wood that we both didn't manage to bring inside the barn for storage because the barn is literally full to the roof with firewood. We're very lucky that we get our firewood for free from a very nice neighbour. I guess this bunch have to wait until spring since now we have more space inside the barn. FYI, in the countryside, we heat our house using firewood to light up the boiler. We do not use gas/electricity. Well, some might want to but not for us. In that way, we have a lot of money from paying all those electric bill especially if the weather is like this when you need a lot of heating. Plus, to heat a huge house this time, require a lot of gas/electricity. So, firewood is fine by me. Well, carrying it from the barn to the boiler room...you can think of it as a kind of exercise. Hehhe..
Definitely can't enter from here. Luckily the barn has several entrance.
Now this is the boiler that I was talking about. See the flame...So, you carry the woods from the barn to here & start the fire. The boiler boleh tahan besar. Kalau nak bakar mayar pun muat. Hehehhe..
 The field is as white as it can be..
 You can't even see the driveway now..
This is just at the back of the barn..
My flower garden..My lily should be here and I hope it will grow beautifully in spring despite this weather. Huhuhu..
One of those rare moment when the field is so white & bare that you can see the house across the main street. Using a zooming lens for this one because the house is not actually near.

 Actually I like to take picture of the bare tree during winter because it is so scenic & pretty.
Cantik bah this tree..hehe
Since weather is cold, apa lagi..I duduk dgn my blanket & layan tv! Hehhehe..with a hot mug of coffee and snack obviously. Kalau ader kerepek syiok ni..huhuh

Tuesday 14 January 2014

Fitness regime

I went to gym regularly when I am back in KL. Luckily I stay in a place where I have free gym access ...well, not that it come for free because I still need to pay the monthly maintenance fee in order for the management to provide it for all of us. But that is good enough, rather than I have to go outside to use a gym. It feel nice when you sweat like a pig and I am a morning jogger. I prefer to sweat it out in the morning, which means, I wake up at 7am every day. Yes..I am not working but I do wake up early okehhh...

But when I move here, I need to drive a few km just to get to a proper gym. So, I need to be creative if I ever want to maintain my fitness level and maintain my exercise routine. Well, obviously trying to maintain this home of mine, is already a strenuous exercise itself. Don't believe me...try it yourself. 

Anyway, my routine exercise will normally need a yoga mat..
 I used this frequently for my indoor exercise especially the one that involve floor exercise. Then I bought some weights
Arm and ankle weights, which is not heavy...just 1kg each. It is not necessarily to have it so heavy. Even the dumbbell is only 1kg. Apa yang penting is the consistency. Beli berat gedabak pun kalau x guna regularly, no point. It will only end up with injury or you tend to give up very fast pasal x sanggup angkat berat sangat so be moderate and honest to your own body. Just recently, I bought new weights..
A 2kg weight. You can get a heavier one of course but I just want to tone my arm and back muscle. Takder plan nak jadi Xena the Warrior so ini pun cukup la. I do have a 4kg weight but that I only use sparingly. Bukan untuk my floor exercise. And for my indoor exercise, I used 3 type of dvd.
When I bought this, some are very skeptic that I will actually use it. But hello...ni Angie la..of course I will use. When I am lazy to go outside or go to the gym, I used this dvd to exercise indoor. Do not underestimate this dvd because you can really sweat like pig once you finish. And if you just started to follow such exercise, you can be out of breath easily. Nampak senang tapi once you ikut betul2, semput okkk. Plus, your body & muscle really can feel the effect..bagi yang first timer, memang the next day akan rasa sore all over your body!! Nak jalan pun kangkang2. Hahah...It is a 45 minutes exercise and each dvd has different target. My favorite is cardio max with Bob Harper. Hehhe..

When I am not using the dvd, I use this cross runner..

This machine target every muscle in your body and you can do different kind of movement and targeting different muscle group. Jangan lupa you need a good sport shoe too.

Tapi if the weather permit, during spring or summer, I will jog around the countryside or kalau penat sangat just do brisk walking. As a woman, my target area is my hip & waist and walking is the best way to trim that fat down! Normally, I can run 3-5 km daily but sometimes, I will jog/ brisk walking for 7km. It is nice to be outdoor here in the countryside inhaling the fresh air while you jog.
Furthermore, walaupun ada matahari yang terang benderang, the weather is still nice and cold, bukan scorching hot like in Msia. Hhuhuh...

So, I am done with my sharing. I am not a fitness guru, tapi just nak share cam maner nak try to keep fit. Ohh,,by the way, makanan kena jaga juga..Oraits uols...