Tuesday 21 April 2015

Triple Chocolate Cake

So, my niece is having her birthday last Sunday. Two weeks before her birthday I decided to bake her a cake as a birthday gift. I guess when it is a gift, you need to make it special. I remember saw similar cake online few years back & I decided that it will be the ONE. But instead of using KitKat, I opted for love letter. But I found out that if you want to use love letter, make sure you eat it as soon as you finish decorating it because it won't be as crunchy as it should be after being expose to air for few hours. 

You can replace it with KitKat of course..or sponge finger biscuit or that sour stick biscuit (no idea whether there is any special name for it). Well basically you can use anything as imagination know no boundaries. 

For the cake, I decided to do triple chocolate cake. I could see that the cake is moist and the texture is smooth. Didn't get to taste it but the tasters said the cake taste NICE!. *wink..wink* . For those who want to try, here's the recipe,

1 cup of all purpose flour
1 cup of brown sugar
1/2 cup of buttermilk
1/2 cup of fresh brewed coffee (Nescafe pun bolehhh)
3/4 cup of cocoa powder
1/2 cup of vegetable oil
2 eggs
2 tsp of baking soda
1 tsp of baking powder
1 tsp of salt
1 tsp of vanilla extract

Sorry there is no step by step pic ya. X sempat nak ambik. Coz baking & layan baby at the same time. Huhhu...

First as usual, mix all the dry ingredients in a bowl (flour, brown sugar, cocoa powdeer, baking soda, baking powder and salt). Then mix all the wet ingredients in another bowl (buttermilk, vege oil, eggs and vanilla extract). Mix well using medium speed hand mixer until semua sebati. Then add the coffee. Lepas tu, add dry ingredients into the wet ingredients gradually and stirring continuously to avoid lumps. When everything has been mixed well, proceed to the next step that is to make the chocolate syrup.

You need;
2 tsp unsweetened cocoa powder
1/3 cup of sugar
1 tbsp water
1/2 cup of chopped bitter sweet chocolate or chocolate chips

Mix all the ingredients in a pan and heat for 1-2 minutes or until melts. Scooped the chocolate chunk syrup and swirl using a knife until the mixture is fully incorporated. Pour the batter in a baking tray and bake for 40minutes on 180C temperature. Once the cake is baked, cool it off before covering it with frosting. You need the frosting to stick the love letter. Kira cam gum la frosting ni. You can used any frosting tapi yang paling sesuai will be chocolate buttercream or chocolate cream cheese frosting.

The rest I must say...USED YOUR IMAGINATION! As for me...here's the results...

The top view. Hehehe...and the day after...left setengah and topping almost gone especially the M&M.

Customer verdict...SATISFACTION!

The cake is very easy to do. The decoration part might take you sometimes and it need to be done in a proper manner. Kena remain calm buat ni...baru cun!

Ok la..it's my ZZZZzzzz time. Baby dah time skrg mak baby nak tido. Nite uols!

Moist apple cake

It has been so long since I update my baking activities here. Well, I seldom get the chance to bake nowadays especially now when Karl just can't lay/sit still. And when he is asleep, I end up sleeping as well. Hahah...But last weekend my mum wanted to eat apple cake as she prefer cake that a little bit sour. So, we bought some green apple in the morning and that afternoon the cake is ready to be eaten.

The cake was super moist and not sweet at all..probably because I reduce the sugar and replaced the white sugar to brown sugar. Not as sour as my mum expect it to be but she love it. So..here's the recipe for those who want to try. The cake will be perfect for afternoon tea/coffee.

* 3 cups of flour
* 1tsp of baking soda
*3 tsp ground cinnamon ( I just add 1 tsp because mom doesn't really like the smell of cinnamon)
*1/2 tsp ground nutmeg ( This is optional. I didn't add mine)
* 1/2 tsp salt
* 11/4 cup of vege oil
* 1/2 cup of greek yogurt ( or any type of yogurt. You can use sour cream too)
* 11/4 cup brown sugar
* 3 large eggs
* 1 tbsp vanilla extract
* 3 medium size green apple

Take two separate bowl. Add flour, ground cinnamon, ground nutmeg, baking soda and salt in one bowl.

Then in another bowl, you add the vege oil, yogurt and brown sugar.

Then add the eggs one by one. 

Add the dry ingredient into the wet ingredient. Mix the mixture well using a spatula.

Making sure there is no lump of flour in the mixture. I prepare to use spatula though some might want to use the electric mixture but at low speed. 

Then add the shredded apple...

 Prepare the baking tray and line it with baking sheet. Pour the cake mixture into the tray & even it up. Bake the cake in a 180C for 55 to 75min. Yeah..this cake take longer time to bake but once you taste the cake, you know that it's worth the wait. Hehhehe...

Here is the cake. Sorry, x sempat ambik gambar dah kenak cekup some of the cake. Hhehehe.

The cake remain moist even when u keep it in the fridge. Happy trying folks!