Saturday 25 January 2014

Coffe bun aka Rotiboy

The very first time I ate Rotiboy, man..I am hooked! It reaches a point where I am basically addicted to Rotiboy. One of the first (or probably the first) Rotiboy bakery is the one situated in KLCC. And I was working at KLCC at that time. Gosh..I practically have to eat Rotiboy every single day! The aroma of baked coffee bun just filling up the ambience as you come closer and closer to the bakery, and it just so addictive. I eat Rotiboy until a point where I can't eat it anymore! was that bad.

Bad..thankfully I get over my addiction before I become overweight. Huhhu...But I still find the smell of baked Rotiboy very appetizing. Luckily, I don't have the urge to buy it anymore.

Today however, I feel like eating one. So, I search for recipe online & I guess I just have to try an error as I never bake it before. Armed with faith & goes nothing! 

First we need to do the dough for the bun. You need;

  • 500gm of flour
  • 80gm of castor sugar
  • 1/4 tsp of salt
  • 10gm of dry yeast ( I am using wet yeast though)
  • 60gm of butter
  • 280ml of water
  • 1 egg
Mix the dry ingredients. Then slowly add the water and the egg. Knead the dough for few minutes before you finally add the butter. I found out that by adding the butter toward the last moment of kneading, will result in a softer bun. I did the same when making my sausage roll & I must say, the bun really is softer...fluffier. Knead it for a few minutes until the dough look very shiny & elastic. Then left the dough to rise for 45 minutes.

So, while tunggu dough naik, let us prepare the topping. Yes, the coffee topping that gives those aroma that you can smell from miles away. Hehhehe..Here are what you need for the topping;

  • 200gm of butter
  • 150gm of icing sugar
  • 3 eggs
  • 200gm of flour
  • 1tbsp of coffee granules + 2tbsp of hot coffee/espresso
  • 1 tbsp coffee liqueur ( this is optional ya. Now don't go think that Rotiboy use liquor. It just me & for those who want to use it)
 Beat the butter & sugar. Then add egg gradually.

 Next, folded in the flour ...

Add the coffee granules and hot coffee...

 and coffee liqueur...I'm using Bailey..:)
Lepas tu, set it aside. Bila dough dah naik & you are ready to bake the bun...sediakan around 100gm of butter for the filling in order to give the bun that buttery taste.

Bahagi the dough into small ball. Kalau nak betul2 sama size, you can weight each ball but for me, I just main agak2 jer. It will look like this.

 Ok. Masa untuk letak the filling. Take each dough ball and stretch it..tapi jangan la sampai koyak..just cukup2 untuk letak 1tsp butter as filling..buat cam ni ah..boleh tengok kan butter tu kat tengah2 dough yang telah di stretch..
Then cover the filling betul2 so that masa baking it won't buka. So, nanti it will look cam ni..
So, benda ni you biar for another 45 minute so it will kembang to double size. After 45 minutes, using a piping bag, placed the topping mixture and spread it on top of the bun just before you placed it inside the oven.
X pernah rupa x cantik...nanti dah masak cantik ler tu..Baked it in a 215C temperature for 18 minutes. Bila dah nak masak...hmmm..sedap nyer bau coffee...

So today, I get myself a coffee bun aka Rotiboy!

Best di makan bila panas!! Kalau nak lebih buttery, boleh tambah the filling to 2tsp instead of just 1tsp. 

Happy baking!!

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