Saturday 25 January 2014

Sausage rolls

I have made this before but I am not very satisfied with the texture of the bun. It was just not fluffy and soft enough. Then i stop making it and start doing some research on how to do a better bun for my sausage rolls. I want it to taste exactly the same with the one you can find in a chinese bakery shop. Then I came across something called tangzhong. No worry..xder babi or arak dalam tangzhong ni..dijamin halal ok. It is just a mixture of flour & water. Apasal or dari mana dtg that name..don't ask. Just google kalau nak tau naper ok.

Anyway, I though I will give this recipe a try since it sound strange yet very intriguing. Lagipun, I have a pack of sausage dlm freezer so why not..hubby pun suka makan sausage rolls. Ok..what you need are;

  • 350 gm of bread flour
  • 5 gm of dry yeast
  • 55 gm of sugar
  • 6 gm of salt
  • 30 gm of butter, room temperature
  • 1 egg
  • 125ml of milk
  • 120 gm of tangzhong (nak buat ni senang jer, 1/3 cup of bread flour + 1 cup of water. Mix both ingredients and stir to make sure xder lump. Then heat the mixture on a medium fire and keep on stirring sampai la the mixture getting thicker. Once you notice 'lines' appear each time you stir it, meaning the mixture is ready. Cool it before placing it in a bowl & string wrap it and place inside the fridge for several hours. Then you can use it and this tangzhong boleh di simpan for 2 days)
  • 6-8 pieces of sausage
  • 1 egg ( for glazing, this will give the rolls a brown golden look)
  • Poppy seed for garnishing
Ok. Skrg cara-cara nak buat the dough.

Combined all dry ingredients; flour, yeast, sugar & salt. Then make a well in the middle and pour the wet ingredients that has been whisk together; egg, tangzhong & milk. Knead the dough for few minutes (approx. 5 minutes) then add the butter. Knead it together until you get the shiny and elastic dough. Knead the dough into a ball shape and set it aside for 40 minutes.

Lepas the dough dah kembang/naik. knead the dough into small ball and biarkan for 20minute untuk naik.

After 20 minute, rolled the small dough into a long maner nak explain eh..ok..roll it cam tali la..senang cakap. Then lilit each small dough yang dah diuli cam tali tadi on each of the sausage. So you get rupa cam ni...

Biarkan for another 45 minutes before you letak dalam oven. Then glaze the rolls with egg and taburkan poppy seeds..

Then baked for 35 minutes in a 185C. The result....tadaaa!!!

I manage to do 7 complete sausage rolls and 3 mini rolls..

It only takes 2 days for it to finish..huhuhu...sedap and finally I found a good recipe for the roll!!

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