Tuesday 7 January 2014

We have BRAIN, are we NOT...

Off late, I can't stop thinking about the social situation back home. I started to ponder and wonder what has become to my country. I can't help but starting to compare it with a 'mob style' governing. You know...like in the Soprano. No one question the authority without being put under investigation of being a threat to the nation. Or no one can mentioned about how certain individual behave without being force to pay the 'price'. I mean, we are a democratic nation, are we not? Probably, the definition of democracy & freedom differ according to individual needs.

Are we slowly becoming deteriorated in our brain that we really can't think rationally anymore? Are our brain cells slowly dying or diminish into the thin air that we can't differentiate between what is ethical or not? Are we slowly placing ourselves on the lowest hierarchy of living being that we can't tolerate each other anymore? Even animal can live together despite different species you know. Are we not ashamed to worldly announce how our country is different from the rest because we can live in harmony and peace despite having diverse religion and culture but yet, we openly protesting other religion from practicing their belief? It might sound very cliche but our action do speak louder than word. Hello??? This is an era of modern technology where we can get any information at the tips of our finger. How far can we hide the truth from coming out anyway??? 

We all know that politicians are the puppet master in this situation, although I must admit, not all of them are the same but the minority is a rare sight. Like finding a needle in a haystack. However, most important of all, we should not allow ourselves to be the 'slave'. We have brain right??!! So, think people think!!! Be rational..know what is right and wrong..truly understand the foundation of our own faith before we claim to be knowledgeable in it and start judging others...and above all, be A HUMAN! God created us differently for a reason and He created us with a better judgement than animal so do not act like one!

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