Friday 6 November 2015

Homemade red bean bun

I've made the red bean paste and now it's time to bake my red bean bun. I do not use all my paste because I intended to bake two different type of red bean bun but not at the same time. Buat banyak2 sape nak makan since hubby do not like bun with any filling. Dia suka bun kosong jer. This one, I'll make the bun in a shape of flower..well..that is how I see it bunga. Anyway, here's the ingredients you need. This recipe will yield about 16 red bean buns;

- 31/2 cup of flour
- 21/2 cup of red bean paste (since I also bake normal dinner roll, so I don't use this much of red bean paste. but if you intend to do 16 red bean paste, you need at least this much)
- 2/3 cup of lukewarm water
- 2/3 cup of lukewarm milk
- 1/2 cup of sugar
- 1/4 cup of butter, melted
- 2 tsp of dry yeast or 20gm of fresh yeast
- 11/2 tsp of salt
- melted butter for brushing
- poppy seed or sesame seed

1. Mix the flour, yeast ( if you using dry yeast), sugar and salt together. Slightly mix all the ingredients.

2. Add the lukewarm water & milk, and mix well either using a spatula or hand mixer. When you already form a dough, make a well in the middle of the dough then pour the melted butter into it.

3. Knead for another 30 minute until the dough is smooth and elastic. Leave the dough for an hour or longer, until it double it size.

4. Divide the dough into few small ball. You can weigh each dough if you want your bun to be the same size.

5. Flatten the dough with roller then place the red bean paste in the middle. Close up the dough. So nanti it will look like ball. Then flatten the dough by pressing with your finger. Bahagian yang ditutup tadi mesti the opposite side yer. Jangan plak uols tekan permukaan yg ditutup tadi. Abis kluar red bean paste nanti. Hehhehe

6. Then using kitchen scissor ( I just use pizza cutter), cut the flatten dough tadi into 8 bahagian..susah nak explain ni. Hehhe..potong tu jgn smp abis..leave the bahagian tgh tu nyer. Cam ni haa..

7. Add poppy seed on top if you feel like it...

8. Then leave all the bun for 40 minutes  so it will kembang skit. Lepas tu bake it for 20 minute in a 185C temperature.

Marvellous di makan panas2! Yummy..selamat mencuba.

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