Saturday 7 November 2015

I love my job

Some people asked me, what do I do or what is my day to day job like. They heard the job title but for those who are not in the academic line, 'post doctorate researcher' doesn't even ring a bell. It is something you do after you finish your PhD though the position is not that popular with local PhD holder. Why? Well..because normally the post is just a contract worker I must say. For an obvious reason, most PhD holder I know will prefer to have a stable, steady and permanent income. Therefore, a full time lecturer is a much more attractive job to apply.

Well, brief introduction...the job include lecturing, researching, academic writing for publication in high impact journal, authoring, supervising and of course administrating tasks. Basically, you need to be good in multi-tasking and extremely good with time management. Sound similar to a lecturer's day to day job the Thai say..same2 but different...hehehhe..For a post doctorate..our main task is research and publication. We do need to supervise students or giving lecture but only when needed.

I do not need to have punch card hence, I can come and leave the office anytime I want as long as my task for the day is completed. I work on my own schedule and time as I create my own dateline. I can work anywhere basically..library, bus stop, home office, coffee shop, toilet..hheheh..and I do work anytime including weekend..public holiday..festive season..during confinement or wee hour in the morning. What I need most in order to be fully functioning is my BRAIN and LAPTOP .. and of course INTERNET!

Wow.."what a nice job" of the most common comment I get from most people. Yeah...bagus la sangat. U need to have a high self discipline if you want to do what I do. Why..because there's no one to monitor you...publication has no dateline hence, you need to set your own need to create your own schedule in order to fulfil the university one to guide you because as a PhD holder they expect you to be an expert so expectation is very high .. and you need to read & write a lot...seriously a lot! By the end of the day, they want RESULTS. If you wish to keep your job and get an extended need to deliver GOOD RESULTS.

For those who think the task is are welcome to give it a try. Conclusively, every job in this world is stressful and hard. There is no easy and stress free job. Even being unemployed is stressful okkk...As long as you love what you doing, the rest doesn't matter. As far as I know..I love my job & I hope I can do it for another 2 years..yes, the job do come with an expiration date. :) What's next for me..I don't know..we'll see...:)

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