Wednesday 29 August 2012

Cucur ikan bilis

Suddenly yesterday I was craving for cucur ikan bilis or cucur pusuk (in S'wak language). So as I woke up this morning, I took out the flour, ikan bilis/pusuk, baking powder, spring onions, shallots and of course salt & pepper. Now, I have not made this for a very long time but it's not a nuclear science formula. Anyone who are bodied abled should be able to do this without recipe.

You just literally throw everything in a bowl & add hot water & you're ready to roll! So, there I was frying my anchovies fritters (translate from Malay to BI)..ehhehe...I came out with 7 pieces. So, made myself a hot pot of coffee (in this house, there are no instant coffee so making coffee is always by the pot)..:) Had my breakfast with cucur ikan bilis & hot coffee with milk & sugar. And of course, while I am doing my thesis & chatting at the same time. Talk about multi-tasking!

I saw a picture of checker board cake from a friend's blog while I was eating this. So, I decide to try bake it this weekend & invited my in law for coffee. I plan to get the checker board bake pan if this cake work wonder this weekend. Hehhehe...hopefully it will because I ain't gonna eat all of it! Someone has to..

I will update you guys on the cake ....if I make it though coz it all depend on my mood.:)


  1. Looking forward to see the cake! mesti best kan... I'm sure ur in laws would love it!

  2. eerrr....x nyadi ku ngadu.penyakit MALAS datai. we'' see next wk ya.hehehe
