Saturday 21 December 2013

A trip to Legoland Malaysia

Yes..Malaysia Legoland has finally open. So, I was excited to pay it a visit because I been to the original Legoland in Billund, Denmark a few years back and I am eager to see how this one look like. When my sister asked whether I will be in KL on that particular date..I apa lagi, ON!

We left KL on Friday after lunch so we arrived in JB around 530PM. Luckily it was not that difficult to find the hotel where we stayed and nasib baik, the place also very nice. Siap ader breakfast and dekat dengan banyak tempat makan and a mall. So, I have nothing to complaint. We went to Legoland on Sunday as we decided to go to Singapore & spend the whole day there, just jalan2 and do some shopping.

It took around 45minute drive to Legoland from where we stay. Tengok jer the sign, my niece already very excited. We arrived just 10 minute before the opening time. We got our ticket (RM110 for children w/o water park & RM140 for adult, w/o water park). Very expensive if you ask me. 
 It was a Sunday so mmg assume akan banyak org. Tapi since we came very early, the crowd was not so bad.
 Tempat ticket pun masih kosong.
I guess ni memang singature pintu gerbang Legoland because the one in Billund also look like this. As you enter the gate, you will pass the gift/Lego shop and then you will see the miniature city. Kat bawah ni...err..apa entah building ni, x ingat plak.
 Then there this mosque in Terengganu (also I x ingat exact name)..sorry yer..kena la you all google.
 And Putrajaya pun ader
 Ni tasik kat Putrajaya tu..where normally people go for the boat cruise
 Shop lots near Petaling Street
 This one is the only KTM station (train station)
 Of course, must have..The Twin Tower
 This is Bangunan Sultan Abdul Samad (the court house yang lama)
 KL Tower
 This is KL SEntral and banyak lagi. The miniature city (Mini City) also ader some of the major attraction from various Asian countries like Thailand, Indonesia, Myanmmar, Singapore and Vietnam.
Since we were there very early, the crowd is just we decided to go for the rides before orang memenuhi the place. We go from one ride to another and we were so happy that the queue ...almost takder. since some ride x boleh bawa camera, I can't displayed it here ya. Sorry..I guess you kena pergi sane to see it. Heehh...yang I x naik I can post here though...
 First ride I think is this...again, I forgot what it is called but it is a dragon roller coaster. My nephew love it so much that he requested that we went for a second round. Well, since there are not much of people, why not...hehe
 Then we're off to Imagination (different area have different name it seem)..Nothing much here (at least for me)..but we did naik the replica of the Taming Sari rotating ride (kat Melaka) just because we wanted some ac!! Hahah..walaupun awal pagi, it is still very humid! Can't imagine bila dah tengahari..I'll be roasted!
 All smiling because of the ac..hehe
 Lepas tu we did went for a few other ride and I think we went to this part of the park bila dah nak balik. This ride I knew I do not want to be a part off because I went to similar ride in Sunway Lagoon with a friend and we end up soaking wet! So, no more ....this time, I jadi photographer jer.
 Tengok cam ok jer kan..
 Masa naik slow giler..
 Bila turun laju and then...BASAH!!! Hahaha...
 Then we stop by a few ride for kiddy and I think lps tu we went here. Adventure of the Pharaoh..something cam tu la. Kira cam main laser tag. Syiok juga main ni..heheh
 Ni bagi yang malas nak stay jauh you can stay here tapi mlm2 bosan giler la because this place it totally out of no where! Hahah..tempat makan pun xder.

So, that conclude our trip to Legoland. I know my blog don't tell so much about the whole theme park but I hope it will manage to give a glimpse of the place. Kalau nak tau detail, siler2 la google the website or best lagi, go there! But I must say, for a small part, this is a very expensive one. I mean, we were there literally for 1 hour and that show ...Legoland Malaysia is not so big.

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