Friday 6 December 2013

White Christmas 2012

Last year Christmas as I have mentioned (for those that read my blog la kan), my parents and sister, together with the kids came to Denmark to celebrate it with us. People were wondering why on earth they want to come to Dk during winter!!! FYI, Danish winter is also known as one of the extreme one. Only if you are lucky that you will experience a mild winter with little bit or no snow at all. 

Well, obviously they want to experience Christmas here and not that they have any other choice because Christmas fall during winter right?? My nephews and especially niece, were damn excited with the notion that they will get to se real SNOW! Not the one that they seen in i-City or Bukit Cerakah but REAL snow. So, with much anticipation, we just can't stop thinking about it and bugging their mum on how would it feel like. 

Well, they want snow and snow they get! 
 Luckily we have an extra garage. Nak masuk garage satu ni mmg x boleh lgsg. One day my front yard is clear, the next penuh dgn snow smp nak reach bumbung.
 Even the bird need to eat during winter so we normally hang some bird food on our magnolia tree. Kasihan burung2 xder makanan pasal pokok mun smua xder daun & buah.
I cant enter our function room from this door as well pasal too much of snow.
 We can only enter the barn from the side door, which nasib baik wujud side door. But in fact the barn has many entrance.
 I have experienced driving masa snow lebat cam ne & I don't like it.
Icicles on our room..Once it melt, my WORD..mmg kotor compound. The downside of look clean because it's white but when it melt, it is very messy & wet.
 Thank God we live in a countryside where having a tractor is very common. It is very useful during winter especially when the snow is this much. Without this tractor, we might be trapped for days at home because no car can go through snow that thick.
 While hubby clear our driveway, I just stand there and watch. Hahah..
Now our driveway is more or less passable. See our trash can, almost tenggelam. Hahah...
 As soon as they arrived at micasa, trus kluar main. They are all in a hurry to go out and play. Bila lagi kan. All the tiredness of having to ride for 5hrs on a train, lesap bila tengok snow this much.
Siap bawa baldi lagi si kecik ni. Hhahaha...
 Just before Christmas, we experienced a snow storm. So, I brought them outside so they can feel how it is.
 Well, besides the coolness, they do have lots of fun.
Even my mum come out & play! Hahha..
 Masa ni mmg kuat giler the snow and ribut so masa untuk masuk dlm umah and get cosy with a warm hot chocolate/coffee/tea while chit chating with my parent.
 Our Christmas tree can't take the storm and fall down. This year we need to  get a new one to put outside. Hahahah...
 My sis said my dad look like this eskimo man. My dad can't stand the cold unlike my mum who enjoy it very much.
 Told you right...she enjoy it very much. Hahah.. siap guna sarung okkkk!! Steady mum!!
 The kids made this snowman ..
Now, she decent a bit because this a day before Christmas and we were going to the church. So, jangan ingat my mum guna sarung jer tau. She also know how to dress up to the occasion. :)

So, that was a great experience for them all. The kids really enjoy themselves despite the cold. So does my parent. They will have lots of story to tell when they get back. It is nice to have them around. At least umah x sunyi sgt with just the two of us. Tapi my dad xnak datang masa winter again. Hahah... x dapat go sight seeing he said, which is true. Till next time...

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