Monday 2 December 2013

Aeroe Island Denmark

I should have update months ago but again, I am giving you the same excuse...NO TIME. Hahaha...Now let me tell about about this island. This is one of a few island in Denmark and can be considered to be one of the most beautiful island you can find in the Baltic Sea. People called this island as The Fairytale Museum Island in Denmark. You must be wondering why. Well, as I arrived on the island, I can see why they call it such. This is because almost all the building within the island is OLD! It has not change a bit nor it can be change for modernisation because the government require it to be that way. So, if you want to travel back in time, to the 1800s, make a trip here when you are in Denmark. But do come during summer because when I was there, almost all of the shop are close because we were there during winter. Hahaha...Not that we choose to go there during winter but hubby has some work to do there so I tagged along. I will not talk so much about the history because you can easily read it online here:

What I am going to do is show you the ISLAND itself! There are a few towns within the island and we stayed at a town call Soby (that will be O slash in Danish alphabet). To go to the island, we took a ferry. The ferry is very nice and it took around 30minute to reach the island. 
This is Soby town. Look very quiet right. Memang quiet pun. Keta boleh di kira. Most people who are originally from here normally x tinggal sine. Balik only for weekend. There is nothing much you can do here so banyak yang pergi mainland untuk bekerja. Tapi masa summer, this place is full pack with tourist. Selain daripada tu, memang sunyi giler OKKK! But I love it because you feel at peace and it's very calming being here at this time of the year except that you might have problem finding a restaurant to eat because most of it are close during winter. But we manage to get a place to stay that is equipped with kitchen so we can buy some stuff from the supermarket and cook our own dinner.
 As you can see, parking lot pun kosong. Hahah..
 Ni our room balcony tapi the weather don't really permit you to sit outside too long. It was still slightly snowing when we were there.
 View of the sea from our living room. If you open the window, you can practically hear the sound of the sea.
Dah semalam kat situ baru sedar our hotel actually berjiran dengan the dead.'s a church cemetery. Tapi memandangkan cemetery dia org ni bersih and well kept, xder la seram sgt nak berjiran dgn depa ni. Hehhee...
 We booked a one room apartment. Cukup la kan, just the two of us. But they also have 2 & 3 room apartment if you datang dengan rombongan cik kiah. Memang sesuai stay sine. In fact, I might nak bawa my parent datang sini in their next visit.
 The place come with kitchen and peralatan memasak. Ada oven, microwave, damn huge fridge, pinggan mangkuk, cawan, gelas, sudu, garpu, coffee machine, water kettle etc. So kira lengkap la this place. No need to risau sangat nak mkn apa coz boleh beli kat mainland banyak bakan mentah & masak sine. Siap boleh simpan stock for 1wk. Oh ya..pots and pan pun ader and of course dish washer!! Yesser!
 This is the living area. Ada dvd player and cable tv skali. Very cosy..I like..
 For those yang macam I, yang suka berendam dlm jacuzzi, this is marvellous. Boleh muat ramai2 dlm ni yg size kecik2 la kan. Hahah..

Yang tak minat jacuzzi, no worry, normal shower stall is available. 
 Ok, now let see the island..I super like the sunset..
 The main industry in this island is shipping. They have a few ship repair work happening around here. That is also one reason why we were here in the first place.
 The water look calm and very calm but damn cold to have a dip.
 Me..sempat snapped2 picture gituew..

That is another end of the island. Boleh drive g situ tapi we didn't do it anyway.
 Ni kat another town kat island tu call Marstal. As you can see building/umah sine pendek2 kan. This can be a home or shop. And the road is so small. That indicate that it has not been change sine forever. Dulu maner ader org kat sine ader keta, smua guna basikal or jalan kaki. That explain the small road. If you pass by mmg literally can see what inside those houses...hahaha
 Please excuse me the low quality picture coz ni guna hp jer.
All around the island, memang building dia cam ni. You won't find any tall building and the design is very 'old'. As I mentioned, no one can change how the building look like.
 The next day, I took some time walking around Soby while hubby is at work. Ni I curi2 ambik.Hahah..some of the houses kat island ni. Kalau aku ada duit, aku nak beli satu. Apparently, due to low economical resource kat sine, banyak people move out and you can spot a lot of abandone houses.
 Ha..this is where we stay. You can see cara dia tulis. I cant spell exactly cam tu pasal my laptop xder alphabet tu. Hahha..
As I walk along the road, masuk corner2 and lorong2, terjumpa plak ada pub dekat jer with our place. Tapi sunyi giler. Maybe it's only open during happy hr la kot. hahah..
 This is the pub. Looking at it remind me of hobbit nyer umah.
The nearest supermarket to our place and in fact, the only one in the city. Hahah...
Besides, ship repair industry, people here also do some farming. So, tu jer for now. Maybe I pay a visit one day during summer & probably masa tu, I have more picture to show. But I personally like this island and living here might be fun. 

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